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Keep your factory cool while reducing the risk of COVID transmission this summer.

The Government have just announced their new guidelines of “hands, face, space, fresh air” to reduce the risk of COVID transmission. The emphasis for business is the provision of good ventilation for workers. 

EcoCooling manufacture a fresh air solution that provides ventilation and supplementary cooling in both an effective and environmentally friendly way. EcoCooling evaporative cooling technology complies with the new ventilation guidelines and can maintain temperatures below 25C all year round, keeping staff safe as well as cool.


What is Evaporative cooling?

Evaporative cooling occurs naturally near water. For centuries the application of this process has been keeping people cool. EcoCooling evaporative coolers use this process on an industrial scale to keep people, products and processes at a comfortable temperature in factories and large buildings without the use of refrigerants.

How do EcoCoolers work?

EcoCoolers are installed as part of a balanced mechanical ventilation system.  They incorporate evaporative cooling which is a very simple process.  In hot weather the hot air passes over wetted filter pads which cool the air.  These are linked with extraction fans to remove hot air and ensure air is never recirculated.  A control system monitors both external and internal temperatures to maintain a consistent operating temperature within a building.  Systems can be installed to provide blanket cooling or spot cooling directed at work stations or machinery.  Unlike air conditioning, this system operates just as efficiently with doors and windows open or closed.

The only installation requirements are mains water and 240V electricity supply, making them very simple to install and maintain. 

EcoCoolers can be fitted with simple air filtration systems which meet Good Manufacturing Process standards for most applications including the food industry.

Is my factory too big or small for an EcoCooling system?

EcoCoolers are modular; one cooler can typically provide up to 35kW of cooling covering an area of 250m2 or a 15m diameter circle in a factory. Installers design systems around the size and use of the building, ensuring that there are a sufficient number of air changes per hour to achieve the desired temperature and ventilation requirements.   A normal factory will have between 12 and 15 air changes per hour. This means, however substantial or compact your premises is, we can specify a system for your needs.

EcoCoolers can be operated in either automatic or manual modes allowing the client to boost cooling or ventilation. The control solutions offered range from the most simple to full PLC systems with touch screen controls.  CO2 monitoring can also be used to manage the internal environment.

Looking to reduce your carbon footprint?

The natural cooling process and low electricity usage supports businesses looking to reduce the carbon footprint of their factories and has helped drive companies towards their net zero targets.

On colder days, when cooling is not required the system can run in free cooling or ventilation only mode. When evaporative cooling is required, one cooler costs less than 15p per hour to run.

Conscious about supporting local businesses? We are a UK based company with stock held in Suffolk and an established installation network across the country.

A simple, safe, low cost solution for cooling your factory

Cool conditions will lead to improved productivity and product stability.  Ventilation, rather than closed loop refrigeration systems, expels COVID and other contaminants leading to a safer work place. 

At 90% less than the running cost and less than 50% of the installation cost of air conditioning. EcoCooling provides a simple, safe and low-cost method of making your factory cool, productive and COVID safe. 

For further information please contact us on 01284 810586
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