Magazine Features

CBM CONNECT® Conference, powered by Mobius Institute

ems nov 19 5Designed specifically for condition monitoring professionals, maintenance managers and reliability engineers.
From our hands-on workshops, interactive learning sessions, and real-life case studies, to the latest technologies featured in the expo, this training conference provides practical learning in the important aspects of industrial condition monitoring technologies. (Read More)

CBM CONNECT Conference gets to the meat of what you need to know to do your job better and help your plant run better!  Our conference covers key condition monitoring technologies that help you DETECT+DIAGNOSE faults and SOLVE problems. We teach you precision maintenance practices that have a practical application to IMPROVE equipment reliability.

Anyone interested in condition monitoring should be interested in reliability improvement. The good news is that you can now attend two conferences in one!! CBM CONNECT Conference is now co-located with the RELIABILITY CONNECT™ Conference. You can choose whether to attend condition monitoring presentations and hands-on workshops, sessions dedicated to precision and proactive maintenance, or interactive sessions that cover the reliability improvement program: the financial justification, how to develop the asset reliability strategy, work and spares management, root cause analysis, and much more!

It’s your choice. There is no extra charge! Learn what you want when you want. And the expo will include companies that focus on condition monitoring and reliability improvement. See the latest technology trends and learn from the experts!

CBM CONNECT Conference is the first conference and exhibition in Australia to bring together all these industries in one place. Our conference presents industry professionals with the perfect opportunity to improve and grow their industry knowledge, mix with like-minded peers, learn new strategies and approaches and hear from the biggest and most respected names in the industry.
CBM CONNECT Conference live event is the face-to-face, practical hands-on place to keep learning, developing, and connecting with experts and practitioners just like you. Just like you they work hard every day to keep machines and essential equipment up and running. Just like you they face tough challenges that they are responsible to solve. And just like you, they deal with other people in the plant that do not appreciate the valuable service they provide.

Be part of the fun

Join us at an upcoming CBM CONNECT Conference to get on the right path to improving your knowledge and improving the dependability of your plant. Learn from our EXCELLENT presentations, EDUCATIONAL workshops and ENGAGING case studies. And you don’t want to miss our interactive, hands on demonstrations of monitoring techniques and practical reliability improvement solutions. With the use of test rigs that were developed just for our conferences, you will see vibration analysis, ultrasound, motion amplification, modal, and ODS in action. We’ll stress the belts and see if thermography picks it up. We’ll damage a belt and use a strobe to detect it. You will learn by example.

Learn more and see our entire training schedule at:

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