Boilers & Burners

How to save 40% on your energy bill and cut a shift

CFB PR1McGills of Kensington operates a large laundry site and network of retail outlets throughout London. To fulfil demand and deliver on its strict service level agreements, the firm's production works operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Historically, steam was supplied by three vertical boilers, however, when two of them began to fail, the company's Director, Rezza Khoshnam, took immediate action: "As soon as the original boilers started to become problematic, I contacted several steam boiler specialists for help. CFB Boilers went above and beyond all of them in the service they provided – they were very quick to solve the immediate issues, and also suggested a solution to improve the business in the long term," he said.

New horizontal boiler reduces costs by 40%

As business continuity was the most urgent priority for McGills, we arranged for a hire boiler to be delivered and installed on site the following weekend, to compensate for the failing system. We then set about finding the best permanent solution.

We knew straight away that a larger horizontal steam boiler would be far more efficient, cost-effective and better-performing than the three vertical boilers – it was just a question of how much. To get an accurate calculation, we carefully analysed the energy consumption of the existing system and then compared this with our Universal Series boiler. We estimated that McGills could reduce their energy costs by around 40%, and because this was such a high figure, it meant that our solution qualified for a Carbon Trust interest-free loan.

Complete turnkey solution

Impressed by the predicted energy savings and fast payback period, Mr Khoshnam placed his order. The existing system was replaced with a high-efficiency 2,600 kg/hr Universal Series UL-SIE 3-pass flame tube steam boiler. Among other benefits, the UL-S offers exceptional steam quality and flexible output for fluctuating steam demand, both of which are essential for the dry cleaning and laundry industry.
The complete turnkey solution we provided included high integrity water level and feed level, pump controls and all-inclusive control panel, duel fuel burner, automatic TDS control, and an integral flue gas economiser for additional energy saving.

Exceptional boiler performance cuts a shift

As soon as the new boiler was commissioned, there was an immediate and significant improvement in steam availability. "Instead of cycling of the steam pressure, we were able to hold a steady 10 bar pressure," explained Mr Khoshnam. "This increased the heat going to the ironers and dryers, and because of this, I've been able to reduce from a 3-day shift to a 2-day shift."

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