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Wendy Hayward strengthens BCAS board as new Vice President


Wendy Hayward, Managing Director of Aircare Compressor Services Limited has been appointed as the new Vice President of the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS).

She joins Steven Rohan, BCAS President and the BCAS Board in continuing to drive standards, educate members and compressed air end users and provide independent advice to Industry.


With over 30 years’, hands-on experience in the compressed air industry, gained through her family-run distribution business, Wendy is familiar with the challenges faced by many smaller organisations and plans to bring this knowledge to her new role, as she explains:

“The compressed air industry is a highly skilled sector, with businesses offering excellent engineering services to their valued customers - providing technical advice on ways to reduce energy consumption, stay compliant, improve compressor performance and minimise maintenance costs to name but a few.

“However, while the industry comprises a wealth of engineering talent, managing the multitude of other priorities as a smaller business can be complex.  This is where I feel my experience as a compressed air distributor, together with the broad range of services available from BCAS, can really help.

“For example, we are working towards new apprenticeship groups for our members and their employees, with the aim of advising and supporting on how to recruit and retain apprentices in our industry.  BCAS can also assist with training, with courses available to fit around busy schedules.

“In particular, I’m keen to see our members sharing their knowledge around common problems, such as new ways to attract engineering talent into our industry or assisting each other with navigating changes in legislation and standards. BCAS is an excellent vehicle for this via its focus groups and committees.”

Vanda Jones, BCAS Executive Director and Company Secretary added:

‘“We have been working hard to ensure the Board is representative of all our members, so were delighted when Wendy joined BCAS as a Board member two years ago. Now, as our new Vice President, we are looking forward to drawing on Wendy’s experience further still.

“We truly value her contribution and the insight she brings as a compressed air distributor and business leader. We know this will be a great asset as she helps to advise members during her tenure.

“It is by listening to the views of all our members that we continue to develop the Society for the future, to ensure we provide the best advice, service and support to compressed air end users.”

For further information about the British Compressed Air Society please visit

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