The DieselSCOPE performance analyser is designed by marine engineers for marine engineers. The portable, handheld unit helps you monitors the combustion process in the diesel engine in real time allowing you to tune the engine whilst measuring. Using DieselSCOPE you can balance cylinder load, optimize injection timing and detect worn or damaged engine components and thus reduce the engine’s operating cost.
On a complete filp side to online sensing, there will always be those times when you need an independent expert laboratory report of your oils condition. With this in mind, Kittiwake have recently teamed up with a certified and accredited laboratory with over 15 years experience in used oil laboratory analysis. The Kittiwake Marine Oil Test Service is a comprehensive insight into the functioning of your critical systems.
It covers analysis of;
• Diesel Engine System Oil
• Cylinder Drain Oil
• Stern Tube Oil
• Hydraulic Oil
• Gear Box Oil
• Others Lubricants
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