Condition Monitoring/Predictive Maintenance

Relationships between occupational self efficacy, human resource development climate, and work engagement

Emerald | Team Performance Management | Table of Contents >> 

Purpose – Improving work engagement can have significant implications for performance at individual, team and organisational level. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of occupational self efficacy and human resource development (HRD) climate on work engagement among business executives of select business organisations in India. In addition, it aims to attempt to examine the mediating effect of HRD climate on self efficacy and work engagement relationship. Design/methodology/approach – The sample consisted of 150 business executives from both public and private sector manufacturing and service organisations in India. Data were collected through both personal visits and online questionnaires. Correlation and regression analyses were used to test the research hypotheses. Specifically, Baron and Kenny's method was used for testing the hypotheses of mediation. Findings – A significant relationship was found between all variables in the study. All the study hypotheses were supported. HRD climate was found to partially mediate the relationship between occupational self-efficacy and work engagement. Interestingly, both HRD climate and self-efficacy affect work engagement both directly and indirectly through influencing the other. Practical implications – Work engagement requires the workforce that is endorsed with self-efficacy as dispositional trait. In addition, improving the HRD climate can have significant implications for enhancing the work engagement among Indian business executives. Originality/value – By investigating the relationship between self-efficacy, HRD climate and work engagement the present study made an effort to fulfil the gap in academic literature where there is a significant dearth of academic literature on work engagement from developing economies.

Monitran’s new website gives engineers easy access to product

Monitran PRMonitran, a world-leader in the development and manufacture of transducers for the measurement of vibration, proximity and displacement, has revamped its website.

Designed with ease-of-navigation for sensor identification and selection in mind, details Monitran's extensive range of products and the company's value-added services.

The site includes; product selection guidelines, installation and maintenance tips, frequently asked questions (FAQs) and pages devoted to specific industries, including wind energy, mining and paper.

Monitran launches the MTN/5000-16 microcontroller-based condition monitoring system.

Monitran PR3Monitran - a world-leader in the development and manufacture of transducers for the measurement of vibration, proximity and displacement – has launched the MTN/5000-16; a robust and reliable microcontroller-based condition monitoring system.

The MTN/5000-16 contains up to 16 Monitran g-mac signal conditioning units and features a 2.8 inch TFT touchscreen with an easy-to-navigate menu that enables users to set data sampling periods, ranges and accuracy levels plus vibration threshold (alarm) levels; on a channel-by-channel basis or across all channels. In addition, the system has 20 digital I/O channels, enabling the MTN/5000-16 to be integrated with other systems.

New improved online condition monitoring systems for wind turbines and industrial machinery

The Schaeffler Group’s maintenance management and condition monitoring division, FAG Industrial Services (F’IS) has launched improved versions of its FAG DTECT X1 and FAG WiPro online condition monitoring systems. The new systems are more compact than their predecessors and offer increased functionality and flexibility.


The new individual modules – the monitoring unit and the multiplexer – are now integrated in a single, compact unit that offers a high degree of flexibility for end users. The new FAG DTECT X1 s is suitable for a wide range of industrial vibration monitoring applications, whilst the new FAG WiPro s is ideal for permanent condition monitoring of wind turbines.


Unlike their predecessors, the two new systems combine all control modules into a single compact housing, which measures just 260 x 150 x 90mm, enabling easy installation in control cabinets. The integrated multiplexer enables the recording of signals from up to eight different sensors.


Ultra compact sensor enables cost effective online condition monitoring of plant and machines

Schaeffler has launched a new ultra compact, online condition monitoring device for industrial plant and machinery. This unique system not only monitors vibration and temperature, but also a range of other machine and process-specific parameters such as pressure and flow rate. The device can also be used as a machine condition guard with safety switch-off.


The economic benefit of implementing a successful Condition Monitoring strategy

Successful companies are all about winning. This is achieved by having:

–Best speed
–Best Quality
–On time delivery
–Best Price
–Lowest Costs

So where do we draw the inspiration from and how can Maintenance help?

Maintenance and Reliability Best Performers

In this reliability article, I will discuss my observations of what the best performing organizations do differently than other organizations. It can be said in one word. These organizations I have worked with implement, the rest do not implement. Most organizations spend more time planning what to do than actually doing it. In the best organizations, much time is spent on developing, documenting, and agreeing on what to do; but much more time is spent on implementing reliability and maintenance plans over a long time period.


Premier Foods is the UK’s largest food producer, with over 60 UK and Ireland sites, around 15 thousand employees, and a £2.7 billion turnover.

VANTAGE Eddy Current Flaw Detector

ETher NDE, a UK-based manufacturer of Eddy Current products, is pleased to introduce the VANTAGE Eddy Current Flaw Detector.

Making A Shop Air Compressor Green(er)

Aerzen USA insights and guidance for blower, compressor and vacuum pump applications >> 

Plant air is a known energy sink and you may not think of a shop air compressor as an area that can be made more sustainable.  At Aerzen’s LEED certified facility in Coatesville we initially were not able to improve upon old concepts at first either.  During the course of the last three years we were able to make significant changes to reduce its environmental impact. Adding an electronic controller, variable speed drive, remote monitoring and recycling waste heat did a fantastic job reducing the carbon foot print of the compressed air system.  They are simple ideas that you can implement in one way shape or form.  Your bottom line may be affected by this more than you think. 


This is a view into the sound enclosure of the Aerzen compressor package.

One improvement that anyone can make right from the time to look for a new compressor system is to choose a continuous duty rotary screw compressor over a conventional piston compressor.  The reason is that you have to quite oversize a piston compressor since they typically are not intended to be run continuously.  Also, the piston compressor usually requires a higher discharge pressure to make the best use of the two-point pressure control and / or a bigger air tank.  Both of the measures contribute to less run time per hour for the piston compressor and yet this uses more energy than a rotary screw compressor that can continuously operate at a lower pressure. 

The 15 year old oil flooded single stage Aerzen rotary screw compressor VMXa0937R had initially been designed for a simple 2 point load-unload compressed air system with a single speed belt drive and a 25 horsepower motor.  It was set up with a long minimum run

Operating Time Versus Condition Based Oil Changes

Aerzen USA insights and guidance for blower, compressor and vacuum pump applications >> 

The majority of all operating manuals provide the equipment user with a time based plan when to change the machine’s oil.  This interval is typically designed to protect the oil and subsequently the machine from breaking down prematurely in most if not all operating conditions.  So far so good.  This comes with a price tag as the machine needs to be properly shut down and locked / tagged out.  Besides of the obvious cost for the lubricant you also incur labor and potential production down time cost.  For most of the smaller machines requiring less than a gallon of oil for each change it may not make sense to go with a condition based lubricant change.  Experts fix what needs fixing and this applies here also.  For larger quantities it may make much more sense to go with an oil condition based oil change schedule. 

First ponder what constitutes a “larger machine” for you.  Prioritize by amount of oil and how crucial the machine is to your plant.  Then pick an oil analysis company or diagnostic tool that will provide you with a fast oil analysis result.  Best are systems that provide an online access with e-mail notification when there are samples that need attention.  If the lubricant is still ok, why would you change it?  This helps saving time, labor and oil and thus you can do your part to help conserve resources. 

Here are test requirements that the analysis should bring to the table: 

  • Viscosity at 40C
  • Viscosity at 100C
  • Oxidation
  • Water content
  • ISO cleanliness grade
  • Particle count

One company that offers such a service is ALS Stavely at .  Important to any analysis is that there be at least twice a year samples taken.  Quarterly and for really crucial pieces of equipment perhaps even monthly trending may be warranted.  Assuming viscosity, cleanliness, water and

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